Keeping Up With the Jameses

Adventures in Modern Day Motherhood

June Ketchup June 30, 2013

Filed under: Uncategorized — mommyoffive @ 9:54 pm

Yep.  June happened.  Here’s the recap.

Week One:

Jennifer is delighted to learn that she will be teaching second grade next year.  She spends the rest of the month throwing away box after box after box of junk inherited from not one, but two retiring teachers. 

ImageOh, the clutter.  I am pleased to report that it is looking much better now.  Pictures are on their way.

Jennifer also successfully completes another half marathon.  She chooses not to focus on her finish time and instead defines “successfully” as “finishing without dying.”

ImageThat’s right – I took a picture of the computer screen with my phone.  I was fully prepared to pay up to $10 for a real digital copy.  Unfortunately, the photo people were charging $35.

Week Two:

Jennifer, Sarah, Emma, Joshua, Jakob, and Elisabeth hop into the Suburban for a fun-filled trip to the California Redwoods.

ImageThe drive up was just the tiniest bit desolate.

ImageWe made a quick stop at Crater Lake.  A-MA-ZING!

ImageThat night, we stayed in an adorable little cabin next to a creek.  Canoes were even provided. 

ImageThis looks like a picture of Sarah paddling peacefully downstream.  It isn’t.  Instead, it is a picture of Sarah shivering her way downstream after she and Emma managed to tip their canoe over mid-ride. 

ImageThe look on Emma’s face says it all.  Later that night, Sarah got attacked by a bird.  Not kidding.

ImageThe Redwoods were unreal.  Pictures cannot possibly do them justice.  You’ll just have to go visit them yourself.

ImageImageWe also made friends with some sharks.

ImageImageAnd of course, played in some tide pools.

ImageImageImageImageImageWe also went on a boat ride where we saw a pair of golden eagles fighting over a stick mid-air.  Seriously.

Week Three:

Jakob turns seven!

ImageBizzie might be a little bit excited.

Week Four:

Sarah loses her python in the springs of the living room couch.  After much coaxing and facebook frivolity, she finally manages to coax him out.



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